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Our top 20 most gay friendly countries in the world in 2023 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Our top 20 most gay friendly countries in the world in 2023 🏳️‍🌈

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“Which is the most gay friendly country in the world Nomadic Boys?”

It's a question we get asked a lot, which is why we initially published this article and have continued to update it every year. We can either look at it from our own personal perspective traveling as a gay couple, or from the point of view of LGBTQ locals by analyzing a country's rights and laws.

Ultimately, it comes down to a mix of both.

Drawing from our wealth of experience from traveling to over 100 countries (including the ones in this list), along with our interviews with gay locals from each place we've visited, we have sat down to discuss, assess, review and discuss again what we think are the most gay-friendly countries in the world in 2024!


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What makes a country gay friendly?

For our list, we looked at various factors in particular the LGBTQ laws of each country, the perspective of gay locals we met, and of course, our first-hand experience of what it was like traveling to that destination.

  • Spartacus Gay Travel Index: this is a detailed annual study carried out every year since 2012 that assesses how gay friendly every country is, based on factors like the laws, hostility of locals, and more. We refer to it because it's the only study that focuses on gay travel as well as being comprehensive.
  • Gay marriage and other LGBTQ laws: we also look at the LGBTQ laws, in particular those relating to gay marriage. We believe that if a government has pushed for progressive LGBTQ laws, this speaks volumes about how gay friendly that country truly is and therefore gives you a flavor of what the gay life is like for locals in these countries. In a separate article, we keep a live update of all the countries that have legalized gay marriage as of 2024, which is useful to cross-refer to as you read this article.
  • Pride events and official Gay Villages: the number of Pride events and the number of officially recognized “Gay Villages” each country has are extremely important factors in our ranking. This is because when a government officially recognizes a “Gay Village” in local maps / geographical plans and it goes out of its way to support/encourage Pride events, it demonstrates the extent to which the LGBTQ community is celebrated, respected, and honored.
  • What is gay travel like in that country: we base our list on our firsthand experience traveling to that destination as a gay couple, specifically focusing on two questions: “Is this a destination LGBTQ travelers want to visit?” and “Did we feel safe holding hands in public?

🏳️‍🌈 Based on all of the above, the most gay friendly country in the world is…. 🏳️‍🌈

Winner of most gay friendly countries in the world
And the winner is…

1. Iceland

Gay Iceland in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2010
  • Number of Pride events: 2
  • The main gay villages: Reykjavík and Akureyri
  • Next main Pride event: Reykjavík Pride, 8 – 13 August 2023.
The flag of Iceland, one of the most gay friendly nordic countries

We'll bet that Iceland is on the top of every gay traveler's Bucket List. It certainly was on ours – and it did not disappoint! Iceland was by far the most gay friendly place we've ever visited whilst also the most exciting offering one of the most impressive scenarios and landscapes we've ever seen. Did we also mention the Northern Lights?

We felt warmly received everywhere we went in Iceland whether it was the bright lights of the capital, Reykjavik, to a small town in the middle of the countryside. Nobody batted an eyelid at us. You can FEEL the air of tolerance in the air here!

It's also not surprising – when gay marriage was legalized here in June 2010, it was via a unanimous vote in the Icelandic Althing (the national parliament of Iceland). Normally in gay marriage debates, you have a sad minority droning on about how unnatural we are and how we pollute the sanctity of marriage, etc… But not in Iceland. Gay marriage laws passed here with flying pink colors.

See the land of Ice and Fire on a gay tour of Iceland with Out Adventures

Explore iconic Iceland on a gay tour

Glaciers, geysers and cosmopolitan Reykjavik await on an all-gay tour of The Land of Fire & Ice with our friends at Out Adventures. Twice a year, in March and August, they host a short and sweet escape snaking through Iceland's otherworldly countryside with a chance to see The Northern Lights.

Find out more

LGBTQ rights in Iceland

Iceland legalized homosexuality in 1940 and they introduced comprehensive anti-discrimination laws between 1996-2018. Gay marriage was voted unanimously by parliament in 2010.

More recently Iceland has been reviewing its ban on gay men donating blood. In 2021 this was reduced to a 4-month deferral period. In 2023, the government is debating this with a view to lifting the ban entirely (hopefully)…watch this space!

Iceland formally recognizes a third gender option by placing an X on official documents (another LGBTQ law that was passed unanimously in the Icelandic Parliament). More recently in 2020, Iceland introduced laws that allow anyone to seek trans-related healthcare and change their name and gender on official documents without a medical diagnosis.

The gay scene in Iceland

In terms of population, Iceland is a tiny country with less than half a million people. Despite this, there is a small gay scene in Reykjavik dominated by the awesome Kiki which hosts drag shows on weekends. You've not lived until you've been roasted by an Icelandic drag queen…just sayin'!

Gay events in Iceland

The main gay event in Iceland is Reykjavík Pride in August. And it's big! It is in fact one of the most popular events in the entire country. In 2022, Reykjavik Pride was attended by over 30% of the Icelandic population! And if Iceland couldn't get any gayer, the former (straight!) mayor of Reykjavík, Jón Gnarr, famously attended the 2010 Reykjavík Pride Parade dressed in full drag as Miss Reykjavík! 

Another excellent gay event in Iceland to look out for is the Reykjavik Bear festival (or RVKBear) in September. This is a recent gay event that started out in 2019. After a few years of absence caused by Covid-19, it returned in 2022 and is back for the 2023 season.

Gay travel to Iceland

In relation to gay travel to Iceland, Iceland should be on every LGBTQ traveler’s bucket list, with incredible wonders to behold like the Blue Lagoon, spectacular geysers, the Northern Lights, the Landmannalaugar Nature Reserve, the Maelifell Volcano & Myrdalsjökull Glacier Park, the Skaftafell Ice Cave, and the impressive Hallgrímskirkja Lutheran church.

The country is a pink haven, full stop! When we visited we experienced zero homophobia. The Icelanders are one very open-minded bunch. They are laid back, easy-going, and famous for their quirky sense of humor!

Many companies are used to catering to LGBTQ travelers, such as our friends at Pink Iceland. They not only do a phenomenal job marketing the country as an international LGBTQ destination but also sponsor the main gay events in Iceland in particular Reykjavik Pride.

DID YOU KNOW…in February 2009 Iceland famously elected the world's first-ever openly gay national leader: Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir. She then went on to marry her partner, Jónína Leósdóttir in 2010, which made Iceland a popular gay wedding destination.

Our own Nomadic Boys DID YOU KNOW fact thrown in for good measure…Iceland was THE unofficial winner of the Eurovision Songcontest 2020 (ie the European gay Olympics!) – this is the one that never took place 'cause of the Pandemic, but if it did, Dadi Freyr and Gagnamagnið's “Think About Things” song was tipped to be the winner!

Stefan and Seby embracing wearing their Icelandic sweaters.
Telling the tale of the Nomadic Boys Icelandic gay saga

2. Canada

Gay Canada in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2005
  • Number of Pride events: around 25
  • The main gay villages: Church & Wellesley (Toronto), Le Village Gai (Montreal), The Village (Ottawa), Davie Village (Vancouver), Jasper Avenue (Edmonton)
  • Next main Pride event: Toronto Pride on 25 June 2023.
Gay flag of Canada with the red leaf in the middle, one of the most gay friendly countries in the world

Canada consistently tops every list of gay friendly countries in the world and we totally get it. From our own experience, we found that Canada goes over and above to welcome gay travelers. Where else in the world do you see the (straight white male) leader of a country leading a gay pride parade, waving a transgender flag, and crying out “Happy Pride”? It made our hairs stand on end with Pride to see this!

Oh Canada Canada Canada, we applaud and salut you. We wave the Nomadic Boys rainbow flag in your honour!

Gay tour company Out Adventures come from Canada, so who better to help show you this beautiful country

Discover gay Canada

No tour operator knows The Great White North quite like our Canuck friends at Out Adventures. Whether you're looking to surmount the Rockies, discover Toronto's underground gay scene, or witness Fierte Montreal, contact these guys for insider tips and tricks. Here's to The True North, Strong & Gay. Sorry!

Find out more

LGBTQ rights in Canada

When it comes to LGBTQ rights, Canada is a true trailblazer, which speaks volumes about how much it protects its LGBTQ community. The Province of Quebec banned discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in 1977 becoming the first jurisdiction ever to do so!

Canada become one of the first countries to pass an advanced set of anti-discrimination laws nationwide in the 1990s.

In 2005 Canada became the 1st country in the Americas and the 4th in the world (after Holland, Belgium, and Spain) to legalize gay marriage. Canada also has one of the most progressive transgender laws in the world. For example, the right to change legal gender is possible without the requirement of having to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Canada has also formally recognized a third-gender option since 2017.

More recently in 2022, Canada lifted its ban on gay men being allowed to donate blood.

The gay scene in Canada

Almost every city in Canada has a thriving gay scene, complete with rainbow crossings and numerous gay events taking place throughout the year. The main ones are the Church & Wellesley gay village of Toronto, Le Village Gai gay village of Montreal, The Village of Ottawa, the Davie Village in gay Vancouver, and Jasper Avenue in Edmonton.

Gay events in Canada

Canada is one of the few countries that hosts its own national Pride event – “Canada Pride”. The first one took place in Montreal in 2017. The 2020 Winnipeg Fierte Canada Pride was postponed to 2022 due to the Pandemic. The next one is scheduled to take place in Vancouver in 2024.

Almost every city in Canada has an annual Pride event, often strongly supported by the local government. Toronto Pride is the most famous and is also one of the largest gay events in the world, attracting almost 1.5 million people each year.

Canada has many gay ski-based events taking place in January including the Whistler Pride and Ski Festival, the Tremblant Gay Ski Week, and the Quebec Gay Ski Week. Other prominent LGBTQ events in Canada include the Toronto Inside Out Film Festival in May and Montreal's Black & Blue Festival in October.

Gay travel to Canada

As a gay couple, we felt completely safe in all the places we visited in Canada. This is also one of the rare countries in the world where we felt confident enough to hold hands in public, almost everywhere!

In terms of touristic highlights, Canada has some of the best ski resorts in the world, a stunning landscape in the Canadian Rookies, whale-watching experiences near Vancouver Island, impressive National Parks like Gros Morne and Nahanni, and of course, the famous Niagara Falls.

Did you know? Canada created the first gay currency! In 2019, Canada unveiled a new $1 coin (loonie) to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the decriminalization of homosexuality in Canada, becoming the first country in the world to honor our LGBTQ community on its currency.

Leo Varadkar showing why Ireland is one of the most gay friend countries in the world
Justin Trudeau leading Montreal Pride

3. The Netherlands

Gay Netherlands in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2001
  • Number of Pride events: around 5
  • The main gay villages: Reguliersdwarsstraat in Amsterdam
  • Next main Pride event: Amsterdam Pride on 5 August 2023.
The Netherlands has always been a very diverse country

The first country in the world to legalize gay marriage, a place lauded for being a bedrock of tolerance and one of the most exciting gay travel destinations with a unique Pride event along the canals of Amsterdam. As our Dutch (straight) male friend so beautifully put it when I came out to him – “you don't need to come out to me, Stefan – I'm from Holland, the most open-minded country in the world!”

As my friend said to me: “you don't need to come out to me, Stefan – I'm from Holland, the most open-minded country in the world!


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LGBTQ rights in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is the ultimate LGBTQ trailblazer! Homosexuality was legalized back in 1811, but the big headline is that it became the first country in the world to legalize gay marriage in 2001!

In relation to anti-discrimination laws, the Netherlands has everything under the sun to protect its LGBTQ community including laws to combat hate speech based on who we love, gender identity, and gender expression. Most recently in 2023, the Dutch Senate voted in favor of expanding the Consitution of the Netherlands so discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation (and disability) is explicitly banned.

In relation to transgender rights, the Netherlands is a bit more conservative. Whilst it introduced the right to change legal gender in 2014, it only recognizes a third gender option after a successful court petition. The same with the introduction of an “X” sex option in 2020, which is only available after a successful court petition.

The gay scene in the Netherlands

You'll find the best of the Netherlands' gay scene in the capital city, Amsterdam, specifically in the Reguliersdwarsstraat gay village. Here there are many gay cafes, shops, bars, clubs, and parties to check out, like PRIK, SoHo, Cafe Reality, Club NYX, Bear Necessity, and Club YOLO – to name just a few! Outside of Amsterdam, cities like Rotterdam have a handful of gay hangouts, but nothing on par with Amsterdam. Find out more in our detailed gay guide to Amsterdam.

Gay events in the Netherlands

Amsterdam Pride is well known for being one of the most unique Pride events in the world because instead of taking place on the streets, a parade of floats proceeds through the city on boats along the famous canals. Other annual gay events in Amsterdam include Amsterdam Bear Weekend in March, Amsterdam Leather Pride in October, and the IQMF (International Queer & Migrant Film Festival) in December.

The next epic event to look out for in the Netherlands is in 2026 when Amsterdam will host WorldPride.

Gay travel to the Netherlands

There are few places in the world where we feel comfortable walking in the streets holding hands outside of the gay village, and The Netherlands is one of them! When it comes to tolerance, open-mindedness, and equality, we found the Netherlands to be one of the most culturally liberal and diverse places in the world. It's certainly the most progressive country we've traveled to, which is why we love it!

Travel highlights of the Netherlands include the canals of Amsterdam, along with the capital's art and cultural museums like the Anne Frank House, the Rijksmuseum, and the Van Gough Museum. Other Dutch highlights include tulips, windmills, cheese markets, wooden shoes, and of course the infamous Coffee Shops!

Did you know? in 1987, the Netherlands unveiled the “Homomonument”, which was the first monument in the world to commemorate gays and lesbians persecuted during WW2.

Nomadic Boys are Stefan and Sebastien gay couple, here they are together in Amsterdam
Amsterdam, one of the few places in the world where we feel comfortable in public as a gay couple

4. Spain

Gay Spain in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2005
  • Number of Pride events in Spain: around 15
  • The main gay villages: Chueca in Madrid, Gaixample in Barcelona, Sitges and Maspalomas in Gran Canaria
  • Next main Pride event: Madrid Pride on 1 July 2023.
Spain flag red and yellow, welcoming country for the LGBT community

Ask anyone what their favorite gay Pride event is and most will likely say Madrid. Ask any gay man where their favorite gay destination is in Europe and they will most likely include Sitges, Gran Canaria, Barcelona, and/or Ibiza on their list. These two gay men certainly think so! Yes, we're generalizing a bit, but the point is that Spain has arguably the highest number of gay-friendly destinations.

Spain is a trailblazer when it comes to LGBTQ rights with an incredibly openminded society who embrace and celebrate diversity.

LGBTQ rights in Spain

Spain legalized homosexuality in 1979 and passed a comprehensive set of anti-discrimination laws in 1995. In 2005, Spain became the 3rd country in the world to legalize gay marriage (after Holland and Belgium).

In 2023, Spain PAVED the way forward for transgender law. What became dubbed the “Trans Law” introduced provisions that allow for gender recognition based on self-identification through a simple administrative process. The same law also introduced measures to combat discrimination against LGBTQ people in various sectors including healthcare, employment, and housing.

The gay scene in Spain

All the main cities in Spain have a vibrant gay scene, usually concentrated in a gay village or street. The main ones include Chueca in Madrid, Gaixample in Barcelona, the Maspalomas gay area in Gran Canaria, and pretty much all of Sitges (in particular the Carrer de Joan Tarrida street).

Other smaller cities in Spain have an exciting gay scene, which includes Benidorm's Old Town area, La Nogalera in Torremolinos, Barrio del Carmen in Valencia, and Calle de la Virgen in Ibiza.

Gay events in Spain

Almost all the cities in Spain have a Pride event. The most famous is Madrid Pride. It is lauded for being one of the largest gay Pride events in the world especially in 2017 when it hosted WorldPride. Other prominent Pride events in Spain take place in Barcelona, Sitges, Maspalomas, Ibizia, Benidorm, Valencia, Bilbao, and Manilva.

Spain has many other gay events happening throughout the year to look out for. Some of the best ones include the WE Party in Madrid, Circuit Barcelona, Bear Pride Barcelona, Sitges Bear Week, and Delice Dream.

Gay travel to Spain

Spain is just bursting with culture, ranking as the 3rd country in the world for the number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites – a total of 48. Amongst these are Gaudi's iconic buildings in Barcelona like the Sagrada Familia, as well as the Alhambra in Granada, and the Mezquita of Córdoba (the largest mosque in the world).

In terms of museums, there's the world-famous Museo del Prado of Madrid and the Guggenheim in Bilbao. And then there's the food! From the world-famous paellas, tortillas, churos, gazpachos, jamons, and our favorite, the tasty, juicy Spanish chorizo sausages.

As a gay couple in Spain, we were in paradise! It is a destination pretty much made for us, with some of the best gay beaches in Europe, brilliant parties for everyone, and a very open-minded populace. Even in the more rural areas, we felt completely safe, which is quite rare for most countries further down in this list. In short, Spain, like Canada, ticks all the boxes and we LOVE it!

Did you know? Pedro Almodovar is probably the most famous gay Spanish celeb and one of the best directors in the world. His first few films in the 1980s characterized the sense of liberal revolution and political freedom Spain was going through. He then went on to direct classics including Volver, All About My Mother, and Bad Education.

Seeing Barcelona's pride parade is fun but actually taking part is next-level!
Colorful craziness onboard the Axel Hotel Pride float

5. New Zealand

Gay New Zealand in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2013
  • Number of Pride events: around 4
  • The main gay villages: Karangahape Road in Auckland (or “K Road”), Ponsonby in Auckland, Wellington Central
  • Next main Pride event: Auckland Pride on 18 February 2023.
The Kiwi flag, very similar to the Australian flag

New Zealand has for decades been one of the gayest and most transgender-friendly countries in the world. From as far back as 1993, they began passing super progressive anti-discrimination laws such as introducing the right to change legal gender. In 2013, New Zealand legalized gay marriage.

New Zealand is renowed for having many openly gay ministers in its Parliament, like Grant Robertson, Louisa Wall, Charles, Chauvel and Georgina Beyer.

And can we take a moment to talk about how frickin’ amazing former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is?! She became the country's first leader to march in a gay Pride parade in Auckland in 2018 and is always speaking out in support of the New Zealand LGBTQ community. Despite her sudden resignation in January 2023, she will forever be remembered as the jewel of the New Zealand LGBTQ crown!

Another recent gay feat in New Zealand, in January 2023, former rugby player Campbell Johnstone became the first All-Black to come out publicly as gay.

LGBTQ rights in New Zealand

New Zealand legalized homosexuality for men in 1986 (for women it was never illegal). They introduced comprehensive anti-discrimination laws as far back as 1993 and legalized gay marriage in 2013.

New Zealand introduced the right to change legal gender in 1993 and also officially recognizes a non-binary gender.

In February 2022, New Zealand banned conversion therapy (the horrific practice that seeks to change a person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression).

The gay scene in New Zealand

The main gay scene and LGBTQ community are focused in Auckland and Wellington. In Auckland, most of the LGBTQ hangouts are based in and around Karangahape Road and Ponsonby. In Wellington, it’s largely in Wellington Central. Other cities around the country will also have a few gay hangouts to check out.

Gay events in New Zealand

Pride events have been taking place in New Zealand since the 1970s. The main ones are the Big Gay Out in Auckland in February, Wellington International Pride Parade in March, Christchurch Pride in March, and North Canterbury Pride, also in March. Another one to look out for is the Gay Ski Week in August/September. What we love most about the Pride events in New Zealand is that although they’re small, everyone in the community gets involved, even the Prime Minister!

Gay travel to New Zealand

When it comes to gay travel, New Zealand is wow personified. Touristic highlights include the Fiordland National Park, the Bay of Islands, Queenstown, Lake Taupo, Tongariro National Park, Rotorua, and of course, the Hobbiton Movie Set in Hinuera.

Not only is New Zealand a stunning country to visit, but it’s also super gay friendly, everywhere. New Zealanders have embraced change openly and with much enthusiasm. This is one place in the world where PDAs are not an issue with anyone, anywhere in the country!

Did you know In 1995, Georgina Beyer became the world’s first openly transgender mayor (of Carterton), as well as the world’s first openly transgender Member of Parliament.

6. United Kingdom

Gay United Kingdom in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2014
  • Number of Pride events: around 150!
  • The main gay villages: Soho/Vauxhall in London, Canal Street in Manchester, Kemptown in Brighton, Pink Triangle in Newcastle, Broughton Street in Edinburgh, Hurst Street in Birmingham, Liverpool Gay Quarter
  • Next main Pride events: London Pride on 1st July 2023.
The UK has one of the highest numbers of gay prides in the world

The UK will always have a special place in our hearts, especially Stefan's home city, London. This is where we met, back in February 2009 in Soho's GAY Bar.

The London gay scene is one of the best in the world. It has several gay villages spread all around the city. Outside of London, Brighton, and Manchester are the top gay destinations that we love.

The UK in 2023 is particularly exciting because it is hosting Ukraine's party: the Eurovision Songcontest will be hosted in Liverpool in May 2023. Although Ukraine won the competition in 2022 they were unable to host it so the UK was given the honor.

The UK also has the MOST number of annual Pride events happening out of any other country in the world.

LGBTQ rights in the United Kingdom

England/Wales legalized homosexuality in 1967, Scotland in 1981, and Northern Ireland in 1982. Between 2004-2008, the UK passed a comprehensive set of anti-discrimination laws. In 2014, England/Wales/Scotland legalized gay marriage. Northern Ireland subsequently followed in 2020.

Since September 2020, the UK has implemented laws that require schools to teach children that it’s ok to be gay. In June 2021, the laws were changed to allow gay men to donate blood with no deferral period required. More recently in February 2023, the Church of England confirmed it would back plans to bless gay couples.

The UK has very progressive transgender laws, which include the right to change legal gender since 2005. Whilst there isn’t a third gender recognized in law, the title “Mx” is widely accepted in the United Kingdom by government organizations and businesses as an alternative for non-binary people.

The gay scene in the United Kingdom

Alongside Australia, the USA, and Spain, the UK has one of the highest numbers of recognized gay villages in the world! London alone has several, including Soho, Vauxhall, and Clapham.

Manchester and Brighton are often regarded as one of the best cities in the world for gay people to live, both with large LGBTQ communities and an exciting gay scene in Canal Street (Manchester) and a fabulous community concentrated in Kemptown (Brighton).

Almost all the other cities of the UK have a recognized gay village or area including Hurst Street in Birmingham, The Triangle in Bournemouth, Old Market in Bristol, Lower Briggate/The Calls in Leeds, the Liverpool Gay Quarter, the Pink Triangle of Newcastle, Broughton Street in Edinburgh, Glasgow’s Merchant City Pink Triangle and the streets of Charles Street + Churchill Way in Cardiff.

Gay events in the United Kingdom

The UK has the highest number of Pride events out of any country in the world, with almost every city leading its own event usually during the summer months.

Brighton Pride and Manchester Pride (both in August) are often regarded as the best Pride events in Europe. London Pride in early July is the largest, attracting over 1 million people.

The 2012 London Pride was the most famous when it coincided with the year the city hosted the Olympic Games and also hosted WorldPride.

Gay travel to the United Kingdom

The UK offers so much for gay tourists such as fulfilling your Harry Potter fantasy at the Warner Bros. Studio, as well as discovering Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the stunning Lake District in Northern England, Stonehenge, Edinburgh Castle, and many many more gems.

We've never experienced homophobia from any of the places we stayed at and LOVE that the government invests heavily in LGBTQ tourism via the excellent efforts made by Visit Britain. After all, this is the country that gave us Alan Turing, Sir Elton John, Freddy Mercury…and the 2022 ADORABLE Netflix hit, “Heartstopper”!

Did you know? In 2018, the UK saw the first Royal gay wedding when the Queen's cousin, Lord Ivar Mountbatten, married his partner, James Coyle.

Stef and Seby kissing on a giant rainbow flag at Pride in London.
Love is Love at Pride in London

7. Taiwan

Taiwan flag for one of the most gay friendly countries in Asia

Whether or not you accept Taiwan as a “country” (it has its own set of laws, flag, military, currency, and national anthem, so why not say we?), we cannot have a list of gay-friendly countries in the world and not include it.

We traveled with ease in Taiwan as a gay couple. No one batted an eyelid awkwardly at us anywhere. We saw openly gay LGBTQ couples thriving throughout the country.

It also says a lot that Taiwan has the largest gay festival in Asia (Taipei Pride) and one of the best gay scenes in all of Asia – around the Ximen Red House in Taipei.

Culturally, Taiwan is the place to look for progressive Asian LGBTQ content. For example, one of the movies that will be featured prominently at queer festivals throughout 2023 is the Taiwanese movie, “Tank Fairy”, which celebrates the country's defiant queer scene.

In 2019, it famously became the first (and to date, only!) place in Asia to legalise gay marriage.

Gay Taiwan in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2019
  • Number of Pride events: 1 main one
  • The main gay villages: Ximen Red House in Taipei
  • Best gay events: Taipei Pride

LGBTQ rights in Taiwan

Taiwan legalized homosexuality in…oh it was never illegal! In 2002, Taiwan began to introduce anti-discrimination legislation, which included comprehensive laws to combat hate crimes, indirect discrimination, and more.

Taiwan is most famous for becoming the first place in Asia to legalize gay marriage in 2019. Taiwan has also positioned itself as a transgender haven by introducing a third-gender option on all ID documents in late 2020 and since 2021, allowing the right to change legal gender without surgery requirements.

The gay scene in Taiwan

Ximen in Taipei is the main gay scene with loads of gay bars clustered together. There are more gay places dotted around the city but the bulk is around Ximen's gay neighborhood.

Other cities in Taiwan have a few gay scenes, but nothing on par with Ximen. Read more about what gay life in Taiwan is like in our interview with local boy Po-Hung.

Gay events in Taiwan

Taipei Pride is not only the main LGBTQ event in Taiwan but the largest in all of Asia attracting around 200,000 people! It takes place in October and includes a number of other gay parties like Formosa and the WOW Pool Party.

Other cities in Taiwan host smaller, more local Pride events, in particular, Kaohsiung City and Taichung City Pride.

Gay travel to Taiwan

Taiwan is a foodie destination! If like us, you love Asian food, Taiwan is a place you need to visit.

Other touristic highlights in Taiwan include the Taipei 101, Taroko National Park, the Sun Moon Lake, the Yushan National Park, the Rainbow Village in Taichung City, and of course the food – check out the Shilin Night Market in Taipei for example.

We loved traveling in Taiwan. We felt so welcomed everywhere. We can totally understand why it is regarded as such a pink haven in Asia. The Taiwanese are very open-minded and tolerant, easily topping our list of the most gay-friendly countries in Asia.

Did you know? Taiwan is so gay, it even has a gay god with its own temple! The Rabbit Gay Temple was built to commemorate Tu’er Shen (The Rabbit God) who manages the love and relationships between gay partners and helps those looking for love. It was founded in 2006 by Lu Wei-ming and as far as we are aware, it is the world’s only shrine for an LGBTQ god.

Nomadic Boys by the rainbow crossing of Tapei
Taipei, one of the gayest cities in Asia!

8. Australia

Australia, G'day everyone, we love how welcoming they are towards gay people

Over the last decade, Australia has grown more and more fabulous, with some of the most progressive LGBTQ laws in the world, lots of gay havens…and we already mentioned Mardi Gras, right?

Back in 2017, Australians were asked to vote on marriage equality and their response was a big resounding YES. So today, we say a big YES back to the Land Down Under!

In 2023, Australia dominated the LGBTQ world scene by hosting WorldPride during the Sydney Mardi Gras. It was so popular that it has become one of the country's biggest events since the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. So prominent that Anthony Albanese became Australia's first sitting Prime Minister to take part in Mardi Gras!

The country that gave us Mardi Gras, Matthew Mitcham, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Speedos and my favourite ever diva, Ms Kylie Minogue!

Gay Australia in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2017
  • Number of Pride events: around 8
  • The main gay villages: Potts Point, Elizabeth Bay, Darlinghurst, and Surry Hills in Sydney; Collingwood and South Yarra in Melbourne; Fortitude Valley and New Farm in Brisbane; Northbridge in Perth
  • Best gay events: Mardi Gras in Sydney, Broken Heel Festival, Midsumma Festival in Melbourne

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LGBTQ rights in Australia

Australia legalized homosexuality in 1997 and passed a comprehensive set of anti-discrimination laws in 2013.

Gay marriage was legalized in 2017 following a non-binding postal vote in which 61.6% of the Australian population voted “Yes” in favor of gay marriage.

Australia also has progressive transgender laws, which include the right to change legal gender since 2013, and has formally recognized a third gender option since 2003.

Since February 2021, the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood reduced the lifetime ban on gay men donating blood to a deferral period of 3 months.

The gay scene in Australia

Every big city in Australia has a vibrant gay scene with a large, active LGBTQ community, especially in Sydney and Melbourne. Sydney is so gay that a 2016 study by the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed how the LGBTQ community was spread out around the city in a “Rainbow Ribbon” starting from Pott Point, going out to Elizabeth Bay, down to Darlinghurst, Surry Hill, Chippendale, Redfern, Darlington, Erskineville, Alexandria and round to Newtown. As such Sydney has one of the most exciting gay scenes in the world including the Obelisk gay beach.

Melbourne doesn’t have a central gay area like many cities but most of its main gay scenes are located around the three inner-city areas of St Kilda East, Prahran/South Yarra, and Fitzroy/Collingwood. Other cities with a notable gay village/scene include Brisbane, Perth, and the capital, Canberra.

Gay events in Australia

The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras are one of the most famous and electrifying LGBTQ festivals in the world. It takes place in late February, attracting thousands of people from all around the world, with headliners such as Cher, Kylie, George Michael, and Sam Smith. Australia led the gay world stage in 2023 when Sydney’s Mardi Gras hosted WorldPride, which featured both Kylie and Danni Minogue opening the ceremony!

Melbourne’s equivalent is the Midsumma Festival, which goes on for 22 days spread over January and February. Other notable LGBTQ events in Australia include Pride in the Park Perth, Wagga Mardi Gras, Broome Pride, ChillOut Daylesford, the Big Gay Day Brisbane in March, and the awesome Broken Heels Festival in September.

Gay travel to Australia

Our ultimate gay Aussie fantasy is to rent a dramatic pink camper and pay homage to Priscilla, traveling across the Australian Outback from Sydney to Alice Springs and spreading fabulousness across the country.

Other touristic highlights for gay travelers to Australia (beyond Mardi Gras of course!) include The Great Barrier Reef for world-class diving, the Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Great Ocean Road, and the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park.

Did you know? Australia is soooo gay that it even secured itself a spot in the annual Eurovision Songcontest. Check out the Eurovision website for the reason behind this quirky decision, whether or not you agree with it, we LOVE it and warmly welcome them into our big gay European arms!

Sydney gay mardi gras is one of the biggest gay events in the world
When I grow up, I want to be… fabulous!

9. Germany

The flag of germany, a country which has a long LGBTQ history

Germany has long been famous for being one of the gayest countries in the world especially because of the wide and diverse gay scene of Berlin.

Unlike all the other European cities, which tend to have a rather limited scope for LGBTQ spaces, Berlin has a wide and diverse gay scene where everyone from the community can find refuge in.

Whether you're a perky twink or a rough and ready leather daddy, there's something for you in Berlin!

Germany also has an array of fabulous politicians including Berlin's former Mayor, Klaus Wowereit, who outed himself with the famous words – “Ich bin schwul – und das ist auch gut so!”, which translates as “I am gay – and that's a good thing!” – we hear you gurl!

Gay Germany in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2017
  • Number of Pride events: around 30
  • The main gay villages: Schoeneberg, Kreuzberg, Neukölln, and Friedrichshain in Berlin; Heumarkt-Mathiasstrasse and Rudofplatz-Schaafenstraase in Cologne; Lange Reihe in Hamburg and Glockenbachviertel in Munich.
  • Best gay events: Berlin Pride, Cologne Carnival, Munich Gay Oktoberfest

LGBTQ rights in Germany

Ever since the Berlin Wall came down in 1991, Germany powered ahead to become an LGBTQ paradise. Germany passed a full set of anti-discrimination laws in 2006, the right to change legal gender, and laws preventing hate crimes based on gender or orientation.

In 2017, Germany legalized gay marriage. More recently in 2019, Germany formally recognized a third-gender option, and in 2020 laws were implemented to ban conversion therapy in minors.

From April 2023, Germany lifts its restrictions on gay blood donors, instead implementing a new “individual risk-based assessment” policy.

The gay scene in Germany

Most of the big cities of Germany have a terrific gay scene. We particularly love the exciting and vibrant gay nightlife of Berlin. We love it! It’s so wide and diverse. Everyone in our LGBTQ community can find their tribe.

Schöneberg was the first-ever gay village in the world when it took off as an LGBTQ mecca in the 1920s. Since then, so many cities around the globe have adopted a similar model where the gay community can share a safe space and support local queer businesses.

Other cities with an exciting gay scene include Cologne, Lange Reihe in Hamburg, Nordend in Frankfurt, Glockenbachviertel in Munich, and Gurlam Ziegelviertel in Fürstenzell.

Gay events in Germany

Berlin Pride is the largest gay event in Germany, attracting around 1 million people each year. Note that in Germany, Prides events are referred to as “CSD”, which stands for “Christopher Street Day” – named after the street where the Stonewall riots in NYC took place in 1969.

Hamburg and Cologne are the other two main Pride or CSD events in Germany. Other gay events in Germany include the Carnival Cologne in February, the Munich Gay Oktoberfest in October, and the Heavenue Gay Christmas market in December.

Gay travel to Germany

Germany offers a lot for LGBTQ tourists, especially Berlin, a city steeped with history from the Brandenberg Gate, Reichstag Building, and Berlin Wall Memorial.

Other touristic highlights include the Cologne Cathedral, the Black Forest in southwest Germany, and the super picturesque Neuschwanstein Castle. Each city heavily invests in LGBTQ tourism, especially Visit Berlin.

We absolutely love love LOVE Berlin – it feels like it’s a city that is literally MADE for gays! Anything goes in Berlin and you can have as much fun here as you want to with no limits! It’s also culturally rich with so much to do. It goes without saying that we felt very comfortable with PDAs in Berlin and the other big cities we visited in Germany.

Did you know? Berlin had the first gay village ever? Back in the late 1800s, the world's first-ever LGBTQ organization, the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, was founded in Schöneberg. Over the subsequent few decades, Schöneberg became the heart and soul of Germany's LGBTQ gay community. It was the Gay Village capital of the world in the 1920s!

Germany one of the most gay friendly countries in the world
Pose over the fabulous Berlin skyline

10. Colombia

The flag of Colombia, one of the most gay friendly places in Latin America

Mention Colombia to someone and the Narcos Netflix show will inevitably come up in conversation. Over the past few decades, Colombia has completely revolutionized to become one of the most gay-friendly countries in Latin America, and in the world!

The culture itself is saturated in all things we love – passionate Latino dancing, beautiful men, Shakira, and sparkling wear! Colombia is fast becoming a haven for all LGBTQ travelers. Oh, and did we mention the massive Theatron gay club in Bogota?

With big hearts, and hips that don't lie Colombians are one of the most LGBTQ accepting people in the world!

Gay Colombia in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2016
  • Number of Pride events: around 5
  • The main gay villages: Chapinero in Bogota, El Poblado in Medellin
  • Best gay events: Barranquilla Carnival, Bogota Pride, Cartagena Pride, Medellin Pride
Explore the country of Colombia with other gay travellers by joining a tour by Out Adventures

Explore Colombia on a gay tour

Out Adventures' brand new Colombia tour is hotter than Maluma! Beginning in Bogotá, the carefree escape will have you shaking your arepa at the largest LGBTQ club in the Americas, hiking humid jungles in Tayrona National Park, and soaking up the country's sand, sun, and sea in coastal Cartagena. The optional gay salsa class, food tour, and snorkeling excursion make this adventure muy caliente!

Find out more

LGBTQ rights in Colombia

LGBTQ rights in Colombia are super-advanced by Latin American standards. Colombia legalized homosexuality in 1981 and then started introducing anti-discrimination laws in all areas (employment, goods, services, etc) from 2011 onwards.

In 2016 Colombia became the 4th country in Latin America to legalize gay marriages following a 6-3 vote in the Constitutional Court of Colombia.

In relation to transgender rights, Colombia allows the right to change legal gender without psychiatric or physical evaluations. Whilst it does not yet formally recognize a third gender, it does allow a “neutral” or blank space regarding gender to be inserted on birth certificates.

Find out about what the gay life is like for locals in Colombia in our interview with Jesus from Barranquilla.

The gay scene in Colombia

Bogota’s Chapinero is one of our favorite gay villages, mainly because of Theatron. It’s a massive gay club that can fit up to 5,000. Every Saturday evening, the gay community comes alive here. We’d happily book a flight over in a heartbeat just to party at Theatron! Chapinero also has many other gay hangouts, which you can read more about in our gay travel guide to Bogota.

Other cities in Colombia have a large gay scene, in particular Medellin. Cartagena, Cali, and Barranquilla also have a smaller gay scene.

Gay events in Colombia

Bogota Pride in June and the Barranquilla Carnival in February are the most famous. Almost all the other cities have a Pride event, usually in June.

Cartagena Pride is another notable gay event in August because it also coincides with the Circuit-style “Rumours Festival”.

Other events in Colombia to look out for which aren’t expressly gay but are popular with the LGBTQ community include Medellin’s Flower Festival in August and the Cali Salsa Festival in June.

Gay travel to Colombia

Some of our favorite travel highlights include the coffee region, the Cocora Valley, the Salt Cathedral, the Caño Cristales Rainbow River, Cartagena's old town, and the Tayrona National Park.

As a gay couple, we had no issues in Colombia and felt accepted everywhere. In one hotel in Medellin, we noticed a sign in the lift showing the penalties the police could give you for certain crimes. One of these included a fine for shouting homophobic abuse to others in public!

The only thing we’d say in Colombia, which is the case for many countries in Latin America is that the machismo culture is prevalent in rural areas, particularly along the coast. However, we didn’t encounter this on our travels in Colombia as we just avoided them. Read more in our Colombia gay travel guide.

Did you know? In October 2019, Ms. Claudia López Hernández became the first woman and first lesbian to be elected mayor in Bogota. The mayor of Bogota is widely considered the second most important political post in Colombia after the President, which is a big deal for the LGBTQ community in Colombia!

Cololombia is safe for LGBTQ travellers in general, use your common sense
Seby, serenading to me at the beautiful El Castillo Museum in Medellin, Colombia !

11. Norway

The flag of Norway, Red with a white and blue cross

When it comes to gay friendliness, the Norwegians have long been a trailblazer. In 1981, Norway became one of the first countries in the world to pass anti-discrimination laws.

In terms of gay marriage, Norway made this law in 2009, and then in 2016, it became the 4th country in Europe to allow a change of legal gender based solely on self-determination. In 2015 Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, was one of the first-ever Head of State to lead a Pride parade when she headed up the Bergen Pride march.

We love how pro-gay the Norwegian Government is. In July 2020 it announced it would give priority to LGBTQ refugees (alongside vulnerable women and children), priority. And then there's King Harald V who said these famous words:

“Norwegians are girls who love girls, boys who love boys, and boys and girls who love each other. Norwegians believe in God, Allah, everything and nothing.”

King Harald V of Norway

Oslo is the capital and main gay hub of the country. It has quite a big gay scene with numerous queer events taking place. But you need to bring a LOT of cash to get by here, it sure ain't cheap!

Gay Norway in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2008
  • Number of Pride events: around 35
  • The main gay villages: none, but the main cities have a few gay hangouts, like Oslo
  • Best gay events: Oslo Pride Festival, Bergen Pride, Tromso Arctic Pride, Raballder Sports Cup 

LGBTQ rights in Norway

Norway legalized homosexuality in 1972 and introduced comprehensive anti-discrimination between 1981-2013. Gay marriage was legalized in 2008.

Norway introduced the right to change legal gender in 2016 and since 2013 doesn’t require sterilization for this. In 2016, Norway passed a law allowing the change of legal gender for transgender people solely based on self-determination.

The gay scene in Norway

There are no gay villages in Norway, but the main cities have a few gay and gay friendly bars, in particular Oslo. Some of the best include the London Pub, SLM Oslo, Elsker Club, Bob's Pub, and even a sauna called Saunahuset Hercules.

Gay events in Norway

Oslo Pride Festival in June is the main gay event in Norway attracting around 250,000 people each year. Most cities also have a pride event, the main ones include Bergen Pride in May, the Lillehammer Winter Pride in February, Skeive Sorlandsdager in August, and the Tromso Arctic Pride in November.

A very unique annual LGBTQ event is the Raballder Sports Cup – a gay sports event for handball! Also, there’s the Sápmi Pride which takes place across Finland, Sweden, and Norway each year.

Gay travel to Norway

Norway is beautiful. Whilst there’s not much of a gay scene here or large gay events taking place, it sure packs a punch in terms of natural beauty, especially the Northern Lights. Just remember to bring money – lots of it! To give you an idea, the average pint of beer is around $10…!

Travel highlights include cosmopolitan Oslo, the endless snow-capped mountain peaks, and deep fjords like Sognefjord, also the Pulpit Rock, Tromsø, the Lofoten Islands, and the Bryggen Hanseatic Wharf in Bergen.


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Did you know? On 1 September 2016, King Harald V of Norway delivered an emotionally charged speech in favor of LGBTQ rights, refugees, and tolerance, which went viral, receiving over 3 million views. Part of the speech reads as follows:

12. Argentina

The flag of Argentina, one of the gayest countries in the world

Argentina is a treat! We’ve been several times and each time we fall in love even more, especially with Buenos Aires. It’s not only a spectacular country to explore, it’s super gay friendly.

To give you an idea, in 2010, Argentina became the first country in Latin America to legalize gay marriage, making it the 10th in the world to do so, and the 2nd in the Americas (after Canada).

In the media, Argentina has long been a trailblazer in the Latino world, featuring a transgender actress Florencia De La Vega actually playing an openly transgender character as far back as 2004 in the telenovela Los Roldán. Then in 2005, the television dating show 12 Corazones-Especial became the first in the country to exclusively feature gay men who kissed on camera – uncensored!

In 2010, Argentina became the first country in Latin America to legalize gay marriage!

Gay Argentina in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2010
  • Number of Pride events: around 2
  • The main gay villages: Palermo in Buenos Aires
  • Best gay events: Buenos Aires Pride, Gay Vendimia Grape Harvesting Festival in Mendoza, Queer Tango Festival in Buenos Aires

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LGBTQ rights in Argentina

LGBTQ rights in Argentina are progressive. Argentina legalized homosexuality in 1887 and is currently developing a set of anti-discrimination laws that are being implemented in Rosario and Buenos Aires, hopefully soon nationwide. Argentina legalized gay marriage in 2010.

The right to change legal gender was introduced in 2012, which allows transgender people to identify with their chosen gender on official documents without first having to receive hormone therapy, gender reassignment surgery, or psychiatric counseling. In July 2021, a new law was passed that allows a third gender option on all national ID cards and passports, marked as an “X”. Argentina is often lauded as the world's most transgender-friendly country.

The gay scene in Argentina

We love the gay scene in Buenos Aires. It has heaps of bars and clubs spread out between Palermo and San Telmo like Glam, Sitges, and Peuteo.

We also love Buenos Aires because of the queer milongas (tango dance halls) where you can learn to dance queer tango. Most other cities in Argentina have a gay scene, such as Mendoza and Córdoba

The city of Rosario is considered the most gay-friendly and liberal-minded place in Argentina, often leading the way for proactive change. 

Gay events in Argentina

The main gay event in Argentina is Buenos Aires Pride in November which is one of the best Pride events in Latin America. The Queer Tango Festival is another fascinating queer event, so unique to Argentina.

In the wine capital of Mendoza, there is a gay segment in the annual grape harvesting festival in February called Vendimia.

We also love that the government actively supports and funds gay events, in particular, the GNetwork360 conference every August.

Gay travel to Argentina

Touristic not-to-miss highlights of Argentina include the stunning Iguazu Falls, queer tango in Buenos Aires, wine tasting in Mendoza, trekking in El Chalten, getting up close with penguins in Punta Tombo, and going to the southernmost city in the world – Ushuaia.

We have always felt welcomed everywhere during our travels in Argentina and love returning here.

Did you know? Argentina jointly invented the tango (a UNESCO-listed Cultural Heritage) with Uruguay. But did you also know that this sultry dance was initially between 2 men in the back alleys of Buenos Aires in the late 1800s as a way to prep each other for when they could later get with a woman?

Today the culture of queer tango has prevailed so much that Milongas (tango halls) specializing in Queer Tango have mushroomed around the world, least of all in Buenos Aires. It's become so popular that there is even a Queer Tango Festival in November in the Argentinian capital, as well as in cities around the world, particularly in Berlin, Rome, Munich, and Paris. Read more about it in our article about our experience learning to learn to dance the tango as a gay couple.

13. Sweden

The flag of Sweden, a country we feel is one of the most gay friendly in Europe

“Gay since 1944” is Sweden’s official LGBTQ slogan. A country that has its own gay slogan ffs – need we say more?! In actual fact we do: they nail it in Eurovision (Europe’s annual unofficial gay music festival!) every year and they gave us ABBA – the authors of THE best gay anthems!

Sweden also has more Pride festivals per capita in Sweden than anywhere else in the world, including the largest Pride in the Nordic countries – Stockholm Pride.

All eyes were on Sweden in 2021 when it co-hosted WorldPride in Malmo jointly with Copenhagen.

All eyes will were on Sweden in 2021 when it co-hosted WorldPride in Malmo jointly with Copenhagen in the midst of a global pandemic!

Gay Sweden in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2009
  • Number of Pride events: around 50
  • The main gay villages: none – a few gay hangouts spread out in the main cities
  • Best gay events: Stockholm Pride and Gothenburg Pride

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LGBTQ rights in Sweden

Sweden legalized homosexuality in 1944, hence the “gay since 1944” slogan! They introduced one of the most comprehensive sets of anti-discrimination laws in the 1980s. The right to change legal gender was also introduced in the 1970s in Sweden.

Gay marriage was passed in 2009 although gay unions have been recognized in Sweden since 1995.

In relation to transgender rights, Sweden does not (yet) officially have legal recognition of non-binary gender, but in 2017, it declassified “transgender identity” as an illness.

The gay scene in Sweden

We’ll be honest, we were a bit underwhelmed by the gay scene in Sweden. There are of course several gay bars and clubs, mainly in the big cities – Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmo, but nothing on par with other gay cities like Barcelona, Berlin, or London.

There are no official gay villages or gay areas in any of the cities in Stockholm. This probably shows that Sweden is so gay friendly, that it does not need its own gay enclave.

Gay events in Sweden

Stockholm Pride is the big one, which is also the largest Pride in the Nordic countries. Other LGBTQ annual highlights include the Stockholm Rainbow Weekend which coincides with the city’s Pride and West Pride in Gothenburg.

Sweden prides itself on the fact that no Swede has to travel far for a Pride event, because there is one in almost every town and city! In 2021, Malmo was the place to be when it cohosted WorldPride with Copenhagen.

Gay travel to Sweden

From the famous Northern Lights in the winter months to the hidden alleyways in Gamla Stan in Stockholm, Sweden packs a punch! Visit Sweden is big on LGBTQ travel and invests a lot in promoting the country as a top gay destination, even hosting EuroPride in 1998, 2008, and 2018.

We felt totally safe in Sweden and comfortable holding hands in public in most places we visited. The Swedes are an extremely chilled and open-minded bunch who won’t give two hoots about two men expressing PDAs!

Did you know? Sweden is one of the most successful countries in the Eurovision Song Contest (the massive unofficial annual gay European music festival). Not only did Sweden give us ABBA in 1974 but they’ve also won it 6 times. We've got our money on Loreen winning it again in 2023 with “Tattoo”. Also, Måns Zelmerlöw…yummy:

14. Malta

The flag of Malta, one of the most LGBT friendly countries in the world

Malta's track record of LGBTQ people is pretty amazing! For instance, in 2017, The United Nation's Head of Equality and Non-Discrimination (OHCHR), Charles Radcliffe, was full of praise for Malta, calling it “a beacon of human rights for LGBTIQ issues”. He also said that Malta has become the “gold standard” with regard to LGBTQI reforms.

In 2023, Malta will take the gay world stage in September when it will host EuroPride in the streets of Valletta.

Gay Malta in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2017
  • Number of Pride events: 1
  • The main gay villages: none, but a few gay friendly bars
  • Best gay events: Malta Pride

LGBTQ rights in Malta

Malta legalized homosexuality in 1973 and has been introducing anti-discrimination laws since 2004. Gay marriage was legalized in 2017.

Malta introduced the right to change legal gender in 2015. Malta has had legal recognition of a non-binary gender since 2017.

Since September 2022, Malta has allowed gay men to legally donate blood after a 4-month deferral period (the same rule applied to straight people).

The gay scene in Malta

Malta is a tiny island country in the Mediterranean south of Italy, with a population of just under half a million, therefore it’s too small to have a gay village.

There are a handful of gay bars and clubs in Malta such as the Michelangelo gay club. There are also a few gay friendly hangouts dotted around the capital Valletta.

Gay events in Malta

Malta Pride in September is the main annual queer event. It’s a week-long festival in which the entire island gets involved.

In 2023, Malta will be the place to head as the country hosts EuroPride in Valletta.

Gay travel to Malta

Valletta is one of our favorite European capital cities. It’s a small walled UNESCO-listed city, which you can walk around in a few hours. Every corner is full of history and culture.

Other highlights include The Three Cities, Mdina, the Dingli Cliffs, Comino, Riviera Beach, and Gozo.

We loved Malta and can see why many people rate it as the most gay friendly country in Europe. It has very lax laws and nobody cared about two men displaying PDAs.

Did you know? Malta is the most famous non-winner of Eurovision. Every year we get excited to see who will represent them. From cutie Fabrizio Faniello, Ira Losco and our favourite, the gorgeous Chiara:

15. Portugal

The flag of Portugal, a country we love going back to

Portugal's pink standing has shot up massively over the past decade. After a long period of oppression during the “Estado Novo” years (between 1933-1974), Portugal has evolved massively.

It began by decriminalizing same-gender relationships in 1982, before legalizing gay marriage in 2010 (becoming country #8 to do so), adoption in 2016, and in 2011, it passed the Law of Gender Identity (one of the most advanced transgender-friendly laws in the world).

Portugal is also one of the few countries to have an outright ban in its constitution against discrimination toward LGBTQ people.

Let's not forget, Cristiano Ronaldo – Portugal's super handsome football stud and recently voted gay icon…!

Explore Portugal with new gay friends on a tour with Out Adventures

Portugal LGBTQ tour

Want to visit the land of cod, custard tarts, and Cristiano Ronaldo? Well, our friends at Out Adventures are hosting a sumptuous journey that ticks off Lisbon, Porto, and the Douro Valley. Highlights include a private tour of Sintra, a day sipping & supping in wine country, historic tram tours, and an invigorating speed boat experience. For all the nitty-gritty details, jump over to their site. And don't forget to mention we sent you—you just might get a special deal. *wink*

Find out more

Gay Portugal in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2010
  • Number of Pride events: 2
  • The main gay villages: Barrio Alto and Príncipe Real in Lisbon
  • Best gay events: Lisbon Pride and Lisbon Bear Pride

LGBTQ rights in Portugal

Portugal legalized homosexuality in 1982. It introduced one of the most comprehensive sets of anti-discrimination laws between 2003-2013 including hate crime laws covering gender identity and sexual orientation.

Gay marriage was legalized in 2010 and adoption laws followed in 2016. Portugal introduced the right to change legal gender in 2011 and has since extended this to allow change of gender without SRS or forced sterilization. Since 2018, Portugal allows people to self-identify their gender.

In 2021, Portugal removed the ban on blood donations by gay men.

The gay scene in Portugal

Lisbon has a fantastic gay scene with many gay bars, clubs, and parties, particularly around the Bairro Alto and Principe Real areas. We love that there is a gay beach just outside of Lisbon called Beach 19.

Porto is another popular tourist hotspot north of Lisbon with an active gay scene, particularly around the Galeria de Paris area. Down towards the south in the Algarve, there are gay scenes in Albufeira, Tavira, and Portimão.

Gay events in Portugal

There are 2 main annual gay events in Portugal that take place in the capital. The first is the colorful Lisbon Pride in June. The second is the Lisbon Bear Pride in May.

The Lisbon Gay Film Festival is another excellent annual LGBTQ event in Portugal to look out for.

Gay travel to Portugal

Touristic highlights include Lisbon’s Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, the Palácio Nacional de Sintra, the Torre de Belém, the Convento do Cristo, hiking in the Gerês Mountain Range and the stunning UNESCO-listed Castelo de Guimarães.

We love Lisbon and know that many other gay guys feel the same way. It’s like the next Madrid! It’s a very gay friendly city, English is well-spoken, the gay scene is fantastic, a gay beach is right on your doorstep, and the guys are smoking hot! The Portuguese generally have a very open-minded attitude and made us feel extremely welcome.

Did you know? Portugal is often touted as being one of the most gay friendly countries in the world in various surveys. What sums it up best is this beautiful and inspiring video by gay couple, Lorenzo and Pedro, who filmed people’s reactions as they walked the streets of Lisbon holding hands:

16. Austria

The Austrian flag red with a white line in the middle

The home of Conchita Wurst was traditionally quite a conservative Catholic country, however, over the past decade, it has evolved massively to become a pink haven in Central Europe. You could say it… rose like a Phoenix?

Austria passed gay marriage laws in 2019, along with an array of progressive transgender legislation. In the same year, the very picturesque capital, Vienna, hosted EuroPride for its second time – the first back in 2001.

The best part, when Conchita won, she held up the trophy and declared in support of our LGBTQ family: We are unity and we are unstoppable!

Conchita Wurst

Gay Austria in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2019
  • Number of Pride events: around 6
  • The main gay villages: none, but cities like Vienna have a few gay hangouts
  • Best gay events: Vienna Pride, Gay Snow Happening, Pink Lake Festival, Ski Pride

LGBTQ rights in Austria

Austria legalized homosexuality in 1971 and introduced comprehensive anti-discrimination between 2004-2017. Gay marriage was legalized in 2019. Austria introduced the right to change legal gender in 2009 and since 2019 it has formally recognized a non-binary gender.

In 2022, Austria lifted all blanket restrictions on gay men donating blood. Now anyone can give blood unless they've had more than 3 sexual partners in the past 3 months – a rule that applies to both straight people as well as LGBTQ.

The gay scene in Austria

There are no gay villages in Austria. The main cities have a few gay hangouts, especially Vienna, which has Eagle, Village, and Sling bars.

Other cities with a gay scene include Salzburg, Linz, Innsbruck, and Graz.

Gay events in Austria

Vienna Pride in June is the main one, which has hosted EuroPride twice – in 2001 and 2019. Vienna Pride includes the Regenbogenparade, the “Rainbow Parade”.

The other big gay event to look out for in Vienna is the Regenbogenball which takes place on the last Saturday in January.

Other LGBTQ events in Austria include the Gay Snow Happening in March, the Pink Lake Festival in August, Ski Pride in April, the CSD Bregenz Pride in June, and Linz Pride in June.

Gay travel to Austria

Vienna is stunning and a city bursting with culture and history. This is a city that used to be the cultural capital of Europe several hundred years ago, especially in the classical music scene.

Austria is the home of Mozart – specifically the picture-perfect Salzburg. Other highlights of Austria include The Vienna Hofburg, Schönbrunn Palace, Hallstatt, and Belvedere Palace.

We felt welcomed everywhere we went in Vienna and felt comfortable holding hands in public. Whilst the gay scene is small, there is a sizeable LGBTQ community and a handful of places to check out.

Did you know? Conchita Wurst is one of the most famous gay Austrians ever. His real name is Thomas Neuwirth who became famous for representing Austria in the 2014 Eurovision Songcontest and winning it with the song “Rise Like A Phoenix” dressed in full drag as Conchita, but with a beard!

For many of us, it was the first time we saw a professional drag queen with a full beard on TV.

Conchita Wurst a gay icon fighting for LGBT rights
Yas, sis…Rise like a Phoenix!

17. France

The flag of France, a country which has a long history of laissez faire towards the LGBT community

France has long held a belief in “laissez-faire” towards same-gender relationships, ie not interfering in matters that may seem too personal and respecting the privacy of others. For example, former President Mitterrand was able to have a mistress and illegitimate daughter during his 14 years in office without the media pestering him on the subject. If that had happened anywhere else in the world, it would have been a huge scandal!

France has long held a belief of “laissez-faire” towards same-gender relationships

The French, in general, don't bat an eyelid if you tell them you're gay and you will never have any problems with gay-bashing in France unless you go to low-income suburb areas where homophobia is a problem, which as a tourist, you're unlikely to do.

Gay France in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2013
  • Number of Pride events: around 8
  • The main gay villages: Le Marais in Paris
  • Best gay events: Paris Pride, Magical Pride in Disneyland Paris, and Biarritz Pride

LGBTQ rights in France

France legalized homosexuality in 1791. They introduced one of the most comprehensive sets of anti-discrimination laws between 1982-2012. Gay marriage was legalized in 2013.

The right to change legal gender was introduced in 2017 without needing to undergo surgery or receive a medical diagnosis. France does not (yet) officially have legal recognition of non-binary gender. However, in 2010, France became the first country in the world to declassify transgenderism as a mental illness.

Recently, France introduced access to IVF for lesbian couples in 2021 and became one of the first countries to fully ban conversion therapy in 2022. Also in 2022, France lifted its restrictions on gay men donating blood.

The gay scene in France

Le Marais in Paris is the most famous gay scene in France. It’s gorgeous with lots of LGBTQ businesses, bars, cafes, and parties happening throughout the year. Most of the other cities have a small gay scene, such as Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Montpelier, and Nice.

Gay events in France

Paris Pride is the main gay event in France, as well as Magical Pride in Disneyland Paris. Most of the other cities have a Pride parade including Biarritz, Arras, Lyon, and Toulouse.

France is also famous for its gay ski festivals in March. The main ones are the European Gay Ski Week and the European Snow Pride.

Gay travel to France

France is the #1 tourist destination in the world for good reason! From culturally rich UNESCO-listed sites to world-class cuisine, beautiful beaches, stunning scenery, and smoking hot lovers…France really has it all!

Our favorite not-to-miss highlights of France include the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Versailles Palace, the Côte d’Azur, Mont Saint-Michel, the Loire Valley Châteaux, Provence lavender fields, and Mont-Blanc – the highest peak in Europe (4,810m / 15,780 ft).

When it comes to seeing gay couples holding hands in public, most French won’t bat an eyelid. The laissez-faire attitude is really a thing here!

Did you know? Just when you thought the French couldn't get any gayer, along comes a gay bakery in Paris that makes baguettes in the shape of a ding-a-ling, La Baguette Magique!

18. Belgium

The flag of Belgium, a country which hosts some of the best gay parties in the world

Belgium's LGBTQ history is enough to make it into any list of the gayest countries in the world. In 2003, it became the 2nd country to legalize gay marriage, as well as one of the first to pass transgender and anti-discrimination laws.

Interestingly, Belgium was also the second country (after France) to decriminalize same-gender relationships back in 1795.

Belgium has some of the best gay parties in Europe, including the monthly La Demence in Brussels, SPEK in Antwerp and the annual Unicorn Festival in July.

Gay Belgium in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2003
  • Number of Pride events: around 4
  • The main gay villages: none, but the big cities have a handful of gay bars/clubs
  • Best gay events: La Demence, SPEK, Unicorn Festival, Brussels Pride, Belgium Leatherpride

LGBTQ rights in Belgium

Belgium legalized homosexuality in 1795 and introduced comprehensive anti-discrimination laws between 2003-2014. Gay marriage was legalized in 2003. The right to change legal gender was introduced in 2007.

Whilst Belgium does not (yet) officially have legal recognition of non-binary gender, many Belgian hospitals (such as the Ghent University Hospital) are famous for their specialization in gender reassignment surgery. So much so that many transgender people from France travel to Belgium for surgery due to a lack of accepting hospitals in France. Belgium is currently in the process of drafting laws to ban conversion therapy, which we hope will be implemented sometime in 2023.

The gay scene in Belgium

Whilst there are no official gay villages in Belgium, there are a handful of gay hangouts in the main cities, especially in Brussels with Le Baroque, Le Belgica, and Stammbar.

Other cities in Belgium with a small gay scene include Ghent and Antwerp.

Gay events in Belgium

The main Pride events are The Belgian Pride Brussels in May, Pride Ghent in May, Antwerp Pride in August, and the Darklands Antwerpen in March.

Other awesome queer events to look out for in Belgium include the Belgium Leatherpride in February, the Unicorn Festival in Antwerp in July, monthly dance parties like La Demence (the largest in Europe), and SPEK.

On the subject of La Demence, look out for their annual La Demence gay cruise in the summer months. It's one of the best gay cruises in the world…trust us!

Gay travel to Belgium

We’ve been several times to Belgium as a gay couple – either on a city break to Brussels and Bruges or once on a Flanders Field “pilgrimage” to see the former WW1 battlegrounds.

We’ve loved it each time, especially my chips-loving Frenchman! Belgium is overall very welcoming to gay travelers. When it comes to holding hands in public, we generally felt ok, but there were parts of Brussels where we did not feel safe (though this applies to straight people as well).

Belgium is known for medieval towns, Renaissance architecture, and as the headquarters of the European Union and NATO. Touristic highlights include the Grand Palace in Brussels, the Canals and Belfry of Bruges, the Battlefields of Flanders, Ghent's Gravensteen and Old Town, the Horta Museum, and Town Houses, the Basilica of Bruges, Meuse Valley, Mons Old Town, and more.

Did you know? Belgium has also had its fair share of openly gay politicians, including the world's second openly gay head of government, former Prime Minister, Elio Di Rupo (2011-2014). We also love that Belgium has a “Rainbow Cops” police force who are specifically trained to handle LGBTQ issues.

The rainbow cops team of Belgium posing with the rainbow flag
Oh officer, please arrest me, I've been a very bad boy!

19. USA

The flag of USA, with some of the most gay friendly places in the world

Many may disagree with us placing the USA on this list at all but hear us out. The USA is a true dichotomy.

On the one hand, it is arguably THE gayest country in the world – the place where the bulk of modern-day popular gay culture emanates from.

On the other hand, there is a lot of homophobia, particularly in the middle Red States, which is why some would criticize us for including the USA in this list in the first place!

USA is the country that gave us the birth of the modern-day LGBTQ global movement, invented the rainbow flag, and even RuPaul's Drag Race


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We challenge you to point us to such a large country the size of Europe (in both size and population), that has paved the way forward with LGBTQ rights but doesn’t also have a dichotomy between safe pink havens and ultra-homophobic areas?

For us we have to recognize that this is the country that gave us the birth of the modern-day LGBTQ global movement, invented the rainbow flag, and even RuPaul's Drag Race. The Supreme Court's decision to legalize gay marriage in 2015 has had (and continues to have!) a monumental domino effect around the world.

If we were to take certain States (like NYC or California) as standalone, they’d be up there at the top battling it out with Canada and Spain, which is why we place it further down. But this doesn’t escape the fact that the USA is pretty much the epicenter of the gay world!

Gay USA in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2015
  • Number of Pride events: around 115
  • The main gay villages: Fire Island, Provincetown, Fort Lauderdale, Chelsea / Greenwich / Brooklyn in NY, The Castro / SoMa / Hayes Street in San Francisco, and many many many more!
  • Best gay events: New York Pride, Capital Trans Pride Washington, Chicago Pride, New Orleans Mardi Gras, Folsom Street Fair, Burning Man, Aspen Gay Ski Week

LGBTQ rights in the USA

The USA actually only legalized homosexuality in 2003 following the Lawrence v Texas Supreme Court decision, though some States did so a lot sooner, starting with Illinois back in 1961.

In 2015, gay marriage was legalized in the USA, which was monumental and groundbreaking, inspiring many other countries to follow suit! More recently, in June 2020, the Supreme Court ruled in the Bostock v Clayton County case that federal civil rights laws do protect LGBTQ workers from discrimination.

In December 2022, President Biden signed a law that protects gay marriages. This is important because it ensures that a future Supreme Court can not invalidate gay marriages nationwide and therefore protecting that epic 2015 Supreme Court decision.

Transgender rights in the USA

The US is a dichotomy when it comes to transgender rights. On the one hand, there are trans havens with the most progressive transgender laws on the planet, formally allowing a nonbinary gender marker on ID documents.

These include Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, District of Colombia, Washington State, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and more.

Sadly, on the other hand, there are a handful of homophobic States one would take caution to avoid!

The gay scene in the USA

The USA leads the way when it comes to gay villages and gay scenes. It’s huge here. Almost every State has a gay village in its main cities, even places like Texas, which have the Montrose gay village in Houston!

Some of the gay heartlands in the USA include Wilton Manors in Fort Lauderdale, Provincetown in Massachusetts, Fire Island in New York, Chelsea in NY, Guerneville in California, Castro in San Francisco, The South End in Boston, West Hollywood in LA, Boystown in Chicago, Capitol Hill in Denver, Philadelphia’s Gayborhood, Hillcrest in San Diego, Ogunquit in Maine, New Hope in Pennsylvania, Key West in Florida, Asbury Park in New Jersey, Rehoboth Beach in Delaware, and so so many more!

Read more in our detailed guide to some of the best places for LGBTQ travelers – most of which are in the States!

Gay events in the USA

The USA has some of the biggest LGBTQ events in the world. The most famous is New York Pride, which is also the home of the modern-day gay rights movement. In 2019, NYC hosted WorldPride, which attracted around 5 million people, making it the largest gay Pride event ever!

Other notable gay events in the US include San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair in September, the Capital Trans Pride in May in Washington, the New Orleans Mardi Gras in February, the Aspen Gay Ski Week in January, and Miami Beach Pride in April. This is just a small selection of the many different LGBTQ events taking place across the USA every year!

Gay travel to the USA

The USA offers so much for LGBTQ travelers. Touristic highlights include the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, the Statue of Liberty, the White House, Yellowstone National Park, Disney, and Universal theme parks, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Glacier National Park, Waikiki, Las Vegas, and many more…

We’ll be honest, when we visited Florida as a gay couple during the Trump years, we were absolutely terrified and agreed to act as “friends” in places we weren’t sure about. Upon arrival, the (straight white) guy at the immigration desk could see us nervously looking at each other, smiled at us then warmly asked, “are you boys married yet?” and proceeded to welcome us into the USA.

On the other extreme, when taking a photograph of Miami Beach’s rainbow crossing, a man rolled down his window and shouted, “Move out of the way, fa*gots!” This summed up the USA for us – on the one hand, it's THE gayest nation on the planet, but on the other hand, it is riddled with pockets of pretty extreme homophobia.

Did you know? The Stonewall Riots were largely thanks to the efforts of an African American transgender woman from New Jersey, Ms. Marsha P. Johnson. In June 1969 when the police raided the Stonewall Inn gay bar in New York, 23-year-old Marsha was one of the key figures who stood up to the police during the raids, resisted arrest, and therefore led to the pivotal Stonewall protests soon after.

20. South Africa

South Africa flag, the most gay friendly country on the continent of Africa

Africa as a continent is still lagging behind a great deal in terms of its treatment of LGBTQ folk. However, South Africa really makes itself count as being the only African country represented on this list.

In 1995, under Nelson Mandela, South Africa became the first country in the world to introduce LGBTQ rights in its constitution. It subsequently became one of the first countries to legalize gay marriage in 2006 and has very progressive transgender laws.

South Africa is the only gay friendly country on the African continent

If you've ever wanted to explore the wilds of South Africa you can on a gay tour with Out Adventures

Go wild in South Africa

Check out this South Africa gay tour by Out Adventures. It begins in Zimbabwe where you'll witness the power and beauty of Victoria Falls. Then it's off to Botswana and South Africa for authentic safaris in private game reserves. Finally, you'll spend four full days soaking up the culture and cuisine of gorgeous gay Cape Town.

Find out more

Gay South Africa in a nutshell

  • Gay marriage legalized: 2006
  • Number of Pride events: around 5
  • The main gay villages: De Waterkant is the main gay village in Cape Town
  • Best gay events: Johannesburg Pride, Cape Town Pride Mardi Gras, Durban Pride, Nelson Mandela Bay Pride in Port Elizabeth 

LGBTQ rights in South Africa

South Africa shooketh the LGBTQ world in the 1990s! It became the first country to enshrine full anti-discrimination laws in its Constitution. Up until that point, no other country had ever done this before – a trailblazer not only in Africa but across the entire world!

South Africa legalized gay marriage in 2006 becoming the first (and to date, only!) country in Africa to do so.

The blood donation restrictions on gay men were lifted back in 2014. They were replaced with gender-neutral policies that disallow donations from any prospective donors (straight or gay) who have had a new sexual partner in the last six months or have had more than one sexual partner.

In relation to transgender rights, South Africa is lagging a bit. The right to change legal gender was introduced back in 2003 but requires hormonal or surgical treatment. A third-gender option has not, yet, been introduced in South Africa.

The gay scene in South Africa

We loved the gay scene of Cape Town and also Johannesburg. Both cities have the largest LGBTQ communities in South Africa.

Cape Town has a gay village in De Waterkant as well as in Green Point and Sea Point.

Over in Johannesburg, whilst there is no gay village, there are many gay places spread out across the city, particularly in Melville, Parkhurst, and Rosebank. Other cities in South Africa with a small gay scene include Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, Durban, Berea, and Stellenbosch.

Gay events in South Africa

South Africa sees Pride events happening in most of the cities. The Johannesburg and Cape Town Prides are the best ones.

Johannesburg Pride happens in October and has been nicknamed the “Pride of Africa“ because it is the largest (and one of the fewest) in the entire continent.

Cape Town Pride is a Mardi Gras-carnival-type festival that happens every February/March.

Other prominent Pride events in South Africa include the Pretoria LGBTQI Gay Pride in October, Durban Pride in June, Mzansi Pride Johannesburg in April, and the Nelson Mandela Bay Pride in Port Elizabeth in November.

Gay travel to South Africa

South Africa almost ticks all the boxes – stunning destination to visit, a large, active LGBTQ community, and lots of queer hangouts and events happening.

The only downside is the violent crime so prevalent around the country which makes it a little bit dangerous for all travelers whether straight or gay. Obviously, if you stick to the areas you know are safe, it’s absolutely fine!

South Africa is a nature lover’s paradise, with some of the best safaris in the world. Other touristic highlights include the Kruger National Park, the Kgalagadi (Kalahari) Transfrontier Park, Stellenbosch, The Drakensberg, The Garden Route, iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve, and Robben Island.

Did you know? Nelson Mandela is often regarded as the Grandfather of LGBTQ rights. When he became President in 1994, he immediately pushed for one of the most progressive constitutions the world has ever seen – the first one ever to outlaw discrimination based on who we love. Big Daddy Nelson, we salute you!

South Africa one of the most gay friendly countries in the world
Wise words by the late Nelson Mandela!


Countries that we want to be on the list but are not because they've not (yet!) implemented gay marriage laws are:

– Israel: Tel Aviv is one of the gayest places on the planet and Tel Aviv Pride is one of the best pride events in the world! Israel sadly has rejected gay marriage 5 times but since 2006 it recognizes gay marriages from abroad.

– Thailand: Thailand is super gay! Bangkok has one of the best gay scenes in the world and we love it. Phuket and Pattaya also have large queer scenes, and islands like Koh Samui even have their own annual Pride. Thailand was set to introduce civil union laws in 2020 but gay marriage is still a long way off. Read more about Bangkok in our gay travel guide to Bangkok.

Out adventure gay toru of Thailand

Gay tour of Thailand

Discover how Thailand earned its moniker ‘The Land of Smiles' on this awesome gay tour with Out Adventures. The boys over at OA run four annual departures through the country with stops in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Krabi, and Phuket. It's a fantastic way for first-timers to Thailand to get a thorough flavor of this incredible country with a fabulous bunch of squirrel friends to hand.

Find out more

Now contrast this with our take on what are the most gay friendly Arab countries…!


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Stefan Arestis

Hey everyone, I'm Stefan, the curly-haired Greek flavor behind the gay travel blog Nomadic Boys. Together with my other half, I have explored more than 90 countries across 5 continents. What I love most about traveling is discovering the local gay scene, making new friends, learning new cultures. I've written about LGBTQ travel in numerous online publications such as Gaycation Magazine, Gaycities, Gay Times and Pink News as well as for other non-gay-specific publications including Lonely Planet, The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Huffington Post. Check my full bio here.


Sunday 25th of April 2021

hello! as a gay brazilian, i think it's important to mention that our most relevant national laws of lgbt+ interest happened at the initiative of the supreme court, since we never had presidents who openly advocated for lgbt + rights (gay marriage was legalized in 2010, during a supposedly progressive government, and the ban on homo/transphobia in 2019, during our current and pathetic government). it's also worth noting that, last year, the most voted councilor in the country was a transgender woman ;) cheers

Stefan Arestis

Monday 26th of April 2021

Thanks for this Flavio! Will take it into account when we update this article next.


Saturday 27th of March 2021

I would remove Argentina from the list. As a gay Argentinian, my couple and I have been rejected from many Motels just for being gay in many States (provincias), outside of Buenos Aires or CABA. If you are a gay tourist you shouldn't out yourself unless you are staying in Capital, and even in CABA, many homophobic attacks occur everyday. Don't even think to tell anybody you are gay if you visit the North of my country, people are ultra conservative.

Please remove Argentina from this list, our current president Alberto Fernandez have used many offensive slang in public social media, like Twitter, the fact that we have "progressist" laws is just a depiction of hypocrisy and mirrors and smoke casted by our corrupt goverment.

Stefan Arestis

Saturday 27th of March 2021

Really sorry to read that! Will definitely keep it in mind when we come to update the list. For the record, we had a very positive experience traveling in Argentina as a gay couple.


Friday 12th of February 2021

I think you never went to Brazil then, for it not to be in the list. It was one of the first countries to legalize gay marriage and adoption, the first to make homophobia a specific crime and hosts the biggest gay pride parade in the world in SΓ£o Paulo, with over 4 million people

Stefan Arestis

Saturday 13th of February 2021

We love Brazil, but with all the homophobia Bolsanero has spouted, not sure we agree.


Friday 22nd of January 2021

I dream to be in Spain,but when I see that Canada its the first for most gay friendly i change little mind haha, but its to far from my county, Spain to , but more near then Canada. Im from Albania , here its to difficult to live life free, πŸš«πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ I hope that in the future i will live in Europe. But im a little shocked that i didnt see the Brazil in this list , haha , i have see from post that this county accept lgbt, and there have a lot people from community lgbt, and i like braziliansπŸ˜› But your post will make people to think better where to start a new life, its helpful , thank you man

Stefan Arestis

Friday 22nd of January 2021

We used to have Brazil on the list, but with the onset of Bolsanero, we revised that! We can't WAIT to put Brazil back in this list :)


Wednesday 20th of January 2021

Thank you so much for making this. I don’t know a place I would go to when I turn 18 (cause family) so thank you:)

Stefan Arestis

Wednesday 20th of January 2021

Our pleasure :)

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